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Missing Person / #MP28564

Tara Beth White, Female, White / Caucasian

Missing Age: 40
Current Age: 64
Case Number: MP28564
First Name: Tara
Middle Name: Beth
Last Name: White
Nickname / Alias: Alice Meadows
Gender: Female
Height (feet): 4
Height (inches): 11
Weight (lbs): 100
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: 1997-03-27
Date Modified: 2019-02-11

Last Known Location

Location: Galesburg, IL 61401
County: Knox County
Circumstances of Disappearance: Tara was last seen on March 26th, 1997 at 662 Pine St., Galesburg IL where she lived with her parents. When her parents awoke in the morning Tara was missing. Her purse, identification and credit cards were all left at the residence. Tara was unemployed at the time and had no known associates in the area.
Physical Description
Hair Color: Blonde / Strwaberry
Hair Description: Curly; Shoulder length or longer at time of disappearance; Occassionally cut her hair short.
Body Hair Description:
Facial Hair Description:
Eye Color: Hazel
Distinctive Physical Features: Pierced ears.
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing and Accessories Info: Tan/Green Hooded Jacket; Pink Shirt; Blue Jeans. Glasses with tape on them. Possibly wearing KangaROOS brand "snow jogger" boots.
License Plate:
Expiration Year:

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