Fleet Management & Logistics
The major responsibilities of Cook County Sheriff Fleet Management and Logistics, a multifaceted department, is to supply, distribute, maintain, service, and track all the vehicles of the Sheriff’s Office, 28 outside agencies, and 9 elected officials. An estimated 1991 vehicles are serviced and maintenance by Fleet Management. Numerous types of vehicles, both marked and unmarked, as well as passenger vans, buses, SUVs, minivans, canine transports, specialist vehicles, trucks, and other motorized vehicles are all apart of these fleets. In addition, the department has other divisions such the Accident Investigation Unit, the Accident Review Board, and the Aerial Support Response Team. Furthermore, we provide logistical support to all departments under the Sheriff’s office for numerous special operations and events, providing necessary supplies and resources. These initiatives include things like CCSO SWAP, Indigent burials, day camps, summer camps, food drives, farming, and agriculture, among others.
Our main objective is to equip the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and other county personnel with safe and dependable vehicles and logistical resources so they may deliver essential services to the residences of Cook County.
The success and safety of the Sheriff’s office, as well as the safety of the general public, depend heavily on the CCSO Fleet Management and Logistics, which has developed with significant growth throughout the years. Other responsibilities that are handled within this department are:
- Fuel management
- Registration
- City Stickers
- I-Pass
- Vehicle auctions
- Snow Command
- Emergency Equipment and other Aftermarket Equipment Installation
- Accident investigations
- Accident review board
- Vehicle violations (i.e., red light, speed zone, parking, etc.
- Aerial support response team
- In 2010 CCSO Sheriff’s office began utilizing hybrid vehicles. In 2010, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office began utilizing hybrid vehicles. In 2012 and 2017, additional hybrid vehicles were purchased for environmental and fuel-saving reasons. The Sheriff’s Patrol divisions began receiving the hybrid interceptor SUVs in 2020, eventually with the hopes of transitioning to all hybrid vehicles. Currently 22% of the Sheriff’s fleet consists of hybrid vehicles, with plans to add more in the future.
- In mid-2021 The Sheriff’s Office has made long-term investments in non-traditional law enforcement programs. The Sheriff’s Car Light Bulb Replacement Program falls into this non-traditional model. CCSO Fleet Management mechanics provide the expertise necessary to replace defective and missing lights on vehicles. Replacing broken bulbs reduces the number of traffic-related stops and removes some auto repair costs. It also eliminates court costs and associated fees.

- After the recovery of over 600 stolen catalytic converters, the Cook County Sheriff’s office has implemented a second community program for its residents. With the theft up over 400% in the past 10 years, this program is hoping to deter anyone from this theft. Community residents can sign up to have their vehicles catalytic converter spray painted with the Sheriff’s star by our Fleet Management mechanics.

- The electronics garage at Fleet Management’s LaGrange Park location installs, maintains, and repairs all emergency equipment for Cook County’s Police Pursuit Vehicles (PPV). These in-house builds help save time and resources to reduce downtimes and ensure all vehicles within the fleet have operational emergency equipment. These fully operational PPV vehicles are equipped for k9 transport, vehicles for the bomb unit, command trucks, DOC transportation vehicle, detectives and special operations units, and specialty vehicles.
- AIU is a specialized unit consisting of qualified members assigned to receive notification involving department vehicle incidents. Members adhere to an on-duty schedule for both on and off hour notifications and response. Response is conducted for various vehicle incidents across multiple jurisdictions and agencies. On-scene response, investigate, review, report, advise, provide situational updates, approval of off-hour tows, and case file completion are all responsibilities of members, who also submit case files to their supervisor, Cook County Risk Management, Cook County Legal Department, and to the Accident Review Board.

- ASRT is a specialized unit consisting of Cook County Sheriff’s Office employees all who are Federal Aviation Authority Part 107 certified licensed pilots. These employees have proficient training in the use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and are skilled to respond to major incidents. All members adhere to a duty schedule for both on and off hour notifications and have responded for various incidents across multiple jurisdictions and agencies. ASRT has several UAVs that are outfitted with various technologies for numerous operations.
- ASRT deployments include search and rescue, accident reconstruction, crime scenes, missing persons, barricaded subjects, tactical response, natural disaster response, hazmat, civil unrest, special events, perimeter security, high profile court case, assisting other specialized units and outside agencies.
- ASRT deployment – December 2021 Oak Brook mall active shooter, search for armed subject.
- ASRT deployment – May 2022, search for missing female with dementia
- ASRT deployment – May 2023, Assist SVU with search for remains of missing person.
- ASRT deployment – June 2023, Assist HBT, armed barricaded subject