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Missing Person / #MP12891

Joan Yarbrough Bernal, Female, White / Caucasian

Missing Age: 34
Current Age: 67
Case Number: MP12891
First Name: Joan
Middle Name: Yarbrough
Last Name: Bernal
Nickname / Alias:
Gender: Female
Height (feet): 5
Height (inches): 3
Weight (lbs): 140
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: 1988-12-09
Date Modified: 2020-10-28

Last Known Location

Location: Joliet, Illinois
County: Will County
Circumstances of Disappearance: She was reportely last seen by her husband. They reportedly were driving to Texas on vacation when she said she needed to come home. He dropped her off a bus station and bought her a ticket home. She hasn't been seen since.
Physical Description
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Description: Long
Body Hair Description:
Facial Hair Description:
Eye Color: Blue
Distinctive Physical Features: Artificial body part/aid multiple knee surgeries as a child and has stainless steel screws in wires in both of her knees Scar/mark Scar upper lip, scar to both knees
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing and Accessories Info: Eyewear wears contacts Jewelry wedding band and watch
License Plate:
Expiration Year:

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