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Missing Person / #MP6793

Paulette S Webster, Female, White / Caucasian

Missing Age: 19
Current Age: 52
Case Number: MP6793
First Name: Paulette
Middle Name: S
Last Name: Webster
Nickname / Alias: Smurfette
Gender: Female
Height (feet): 4
Height (inches): 11
Weight (lbs): 110
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: 1988-09-02
Date Modified: 2020-10-06

Last Known Location

Location: Chester, Illinois 62233
County: Randolph County
Circumstances of Disappearance: Paulette was last seen on September 2, 1988. She was last seen wearing jeans, a light colored sweater, and white tennis shoes. Paulette has a tattoo of a cross on one hand between her thumb and forefinger, a surgical scar on her abdomen, and a scar under her chin. Her ears are pierced. Paulette may go by the nickname Smurfette.
Physical Description
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Description:
Body Hair Description:
Facial Hair Description:
Eye Color: Blue
Distinctive Physical Features: Piercing Ears are pierced Scar/mark Tattoo of a cross on one hand between thumb and forefinger, surgical scar on abdomen, scar under chin Other distinctive physical characteristic Slight overbite, noticeable gap between front teeth
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing and Accessories Info: Jeans, light colored sweater Footwear White tennis shoes
License Plate:
Expiration Year:

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