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Press and Communications

Contacting the Press Office

312-603-4242 or

State your name, news outlet, the nature of your organization (print, radio, television, etc.), your detailed inquiry and deadline.

For requests under the Freedom of Information Act, click here

Can I interview an individual in custody?

Requests to interview individuals in custody must be approved by their attorney. A letter from the legal representative consenting to the interview can be e-mailed to

Once submitted, the request is considered internally and communications staff will contact you with a decision. Individual in custody interviews are considered on an individual basis, and attorney permission does not guarantee an interview.

How do I request to film inside a Cook County Courthouse?

Requests to film inside the jail are handled by the Sheriff’s office, however, all requests to film inside any of the six municipal district courthouses go through the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court.

How do I obtain a booking photo?

For a booking photo, please contact the arresting agency. If the defendant has been booked, processed, and is in our custody, you can find the person’s booking photo in the individual in custody locator.

Why can’t I find a booking photo in the individual in custody locator?

If the individual in custody locator gives no results, you can e-mail the individual in custody’s full name and any other available details to requesting a booking photo.  Archive digital booking photos from 2009 to date are the only ones readily available. Individual in custody locator results are typically published 4 to 6 hours after an individual in custody is booked and processed into the jail. Individuals in custody who post bail after bond court are not always booked, meaning the defendant could have been released before a photo was taken.