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Sheriff’s Housing Assistance Resource Program (SHARP)

To ensure delivery of quality services and care to the homeless population of Cook County, Illinois. We shall strive to reduce and attempt to end homelessness and provide hope to those who are in need. We shall advocate for a better quality of life for the homeless by partnering with organizations and coalitions to empower individuals to achieve stability, self-sufficiency, know their self-worth and live meaningful lives.
Our vision is to provide a model to enable homeless individuals to live and build healthy lives, and relationships by providing physical, spiritual, and emotional support with personal accountability.
SHARP Core Values
Sincerity – Demonstrate genuine care, and concern for the individuals we meet, and organizational partners.
Help – We promise to help and not harm, give hope and not despair.
Accountability – We believe we are our brother’s keeper, and we are accountable to each other.
Respect – Everyone should be treated with respect no matter their gender, ethnicity, creed, or sexual orientation.
Purpose – We believe that every person exists for a special purpose, regardless of what their present circumstance looks like.
Philosophy of Care
SHARP utilizes internal and external resources to provide an array of resources such as food, water, clothing, toiletries, housing assistance, and general first aid supplies. We also assist in referring individuals to rehabilitation programs for those struggling with substance abuse and mental health challenges. Here at SHARP, our motto is “Homelessness Creates Opportunities to Care”. SHARP is committed to aiding and supporting those in need through a structured system.