Clinical Training Externship Program
The Cook County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) is the second largest sheriff’s department in the U.S. and is the principal law enforcement agency that serves Cook County. Its three primary responsibilities include providing services and security to county and court facilities, administering the Cook County Jail, and protecting and serving the citizens of Cook County with policing throughout the county. Our sheriff, Sheriff Tom Dart, has brought an aggressive, yet innovative, approach to law enforcement since becoming sheriff in 2006. He has dedicated his career to challenging injustice, fighting violence, & bringing a thoughtful approach to public services.
The Cook County Sheriff’s Office strives to provide direction and leadership to all departments and employees of the sheriff in order to meet and exceed the needs of the citizens of Cook County in providing protection, rehabilitation, civil action, security, and community services.
The Cook County Sheriff’s Office offers clinical training opportunities to graduate level psychology and social work students seeking a psychotherapy or advanced psychotherapy externship (opportunities for testing and assessment are not available). The program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive clinical training experience. Specifically, it aims to promote the development of clinically sound and culturally competent practitioners who can function independently, professionally, and safely within a diverse and ever-changing correctional and law enforcement setting.
Clinical training tracks will provide opportunities for brief supportive and longer-term individual counseling, group counseling, psychoeducational groups, clinical intake interviews and screenings, substance abuse treatment, outreach and case management, and crisis intervention services. Non-clinical training tracks will provide opportunities for program development, data collection, community outreach, the facilitation of mental health workshops and staff trainings, and a variety of organizational & project management activities.
A minimum of two hours clinical supervision (individual and group) by a licensed clinical counselor, social worker, or psychologist will be provided weekly and will be assigned according to the student’s program requirements. Group supervision will include a didactic component as well as opportunities for peer supervision.
Ideal candidates will be highly ethical and professional, attentive to safety and security, assertive, non-judgmental, and self-aware/reflective. Students are expected to demonstrate respect and sensitivity when working with diverse individuals and groups from various cultural and personal backgrounds.
If selected, students will commit to being on site for a minimum of 2 days per week with a projected start date of August.
Department of Corrections
The Department of Corrections, Inmate Programs and Services Department, offers a variety of behavioral health services aimed to promote rehabilitation and community reintegration. Engagement in clinical programs and services also provide inmates the opportunity to interact in meaningful and pro-social ways while incarcerated.
- TRACK #1: The Mental Health Transition Center (MHTC) – The MHTC Program is intended to empower justice-involved men diagnosed with a substance abuse and/or mental health disorder with the development of a support system to ease their transition back into the community and aid their long-term recovery. The Mental Health Transition Center offers a holistic array of services including substance abuse and mental health treatment, vocational skills training, educational services, fine arts programming, and comprehensive discharge planning. Cognitive behavioral interventions such as individual and group therapy focus on altering criminal thought patterns and cognitive restructuring. Such programming is designed to equip participants with pro-social coping strategies and enable them to consider consequences of decisions and behaviors prior to action.
- TRACK #2: The Sheriff’s Anti-Violence Effort (SAVE) – The SAVE program was specifically designed to serve males detainees, ages 18 to 24, from the most violent neighborhoods in Chicago. While incarcerated, participants receive programming 5 days a week. Once discharged to the community, participants receive aggressive case management from CCSO SAVE staff and community partnering agencies. The purpose of the SAVE program is to assist detainees in learning new ways to understand violence, maintain safety in the community, manage conflict, improve personal relationships, establishing dependence, decrease substance use & associations with anti-social peers, eliminate criminal thinking/attitudes while increasing personal pride, job skills, and life skills. The program is grounded in the Risk Needs Responsivity model intended to target the specific criminogenic needs of each program participant. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) along with Motivational Interviewing techniques are used to direct therapy. Students assigned to this track will also be assigned to Pre-Bond Court in which mental health staff conduct rapid assessments of arrestees for self- reported mental illness and substance use; and the Tails of Redemption Program, where through their work with canines and participation in counseling, detainees develop a greater sense of empathy and skills for goal setting, altering core beliefs, modeling, and coping. For arrestees who are opiate addicted, staff provide immediate intervention for treatment and education on Naloxone.
- TRACK #3: The Therapeutic Healing Recovery Initiative for Vitality and Empowerment Program(THRIVE) – The THRIVE program is a court-ordered Women’s Residential Treatment Program that was created to support women who suffer from addiction while they are in CCDOC custody. Participation in the program consists of a 90-day curriculum designed to address the biopsychosocial factors related to addiction and incarceration. Programming is aimed towards detainees with non-violent drug-related charges who have a history of substance abuse, trauma and/or mental illness. Onsite programming includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), individual and group counseling, psycho-educational groups (focused on: parenting, anger management, domestic violence, trauma, emotional regulation, mental illness, and substance abuse), re-entry planning, etc. Students assigned to THRIVE will also work in collaboration with the Sheriff’s Opioid Addiction Recovery (SOAR) program which provides support to those transitioning from the THRIVE program to community and electronic monitoring services.
- TRACK #4: The Sheriff’s Men’s Addiction Recovery Tiers (SMART) – The SMART program is a Residential Treatment Program that was created to support men who suffer from addiction while they are in CCDOC custody. The services provided are gender and culturally responsive for men with critical mental health, substance abuse, and community re-entry needs. SMART programming uses evidence-based treatment aimed at establishing thought patterns and habits that prevent future substance use as well as addressing the psychological, trauma, addiction, social, and cultural needs that are specific to men and impact their pathway to the Criminal Justice System. Participation in the program is court- ordered and consists of a 90-day curriculum designed to address the biopsychosocial factors related to addiction and incarceration. Students assigned to SMART will also work in collaboration with the Sheriff’s Opioid Addiction Recovery (SOAR) program which provides support to those transitioning from the SMART program to community and electronic monitoring services.
- TRACK#5: The Clinical Assessment and Rehabilitation Program (C.A.R.P.)- CARP is designed to engage IIC’s in individual and group programming to develop skills that will deter egregious behaviors. This will include individual and group interventions, administering assessment measures, develop and implement crisis related safety plans, increase self-awareness of risk and protective factors, and provide additional resources for long term sustainability. C.A.R.P. utilizes a co-responder approach and clinicians will be able to de-escalate and deter violent incidents and provide clinical support to individuals in custody when responding to a crisis. Group programming focusses on addressing violent and egregious behaviors and mental health needs. Group is held 2x on 7-3 shift for an hour each and 1x on 3-11 shift, for 5 days a week. Group curricula includes: sexual misconduct, anger management, CBT, Thinking for a change, trauma, substance abuse, antisocial behavior, communication, and psycho education. Clinical Service Program is another program under CARP. The is a Clinical Service Program that explores mental and emotional health through psychoeducation and behavior modification using the tenants of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Programming occurs 5 days a week Monday through Friday.
- TRACK#6: The Sheriff’s Office Restoring Neighborhoods Workforce (RENEW) – RENEW participants earn a second chance by gaining skills and job site experience under a diversion program for those sentenced on non-violent crimes. Participants spend six months in the CCDOC compound receiving education and counseling, then eight months on electronically monitored supervision that includes case management and drug testing. RENEW trains participants in deconstruction techniques through in-class and on-site education, helping them build a work history and critical real-world experience. In addition to providing participants with opportunities to obtain valuable job training, certification, and skill development, RENEW also partners with the CCSO Community Resource Center (CRC) to provide program participants with necessary case management and linkage to community-based resources. Additionally, RENEW participants are provided ongoing support to ensure they have the tools to successfully complete their program and re-enter the community. Students assigned to this track will complete assessments, data collection and tracking, individual and group interventions.
The CCSO training program follows the ACEPT application, interviewing, and notification procedures. To apply for the 2025 – 2026 training year, please submit the following items via email in a compressed zip file (please do not attach individual documents) to the below email address no sooner than January 26, 2025. Applications submitted after February 28, 2025, will not be considered.
- Cover Letter
- Resume/Curriculum Vita
- Three letters of recommendation
- Case Conceptualization/Writing Sample (redacted)
- Unofficial Transcript
Important: When submitting application materials, students must articulate their desired CCSO program track in a cover letter AND in the body of their email. Please note that applications not submitted in the requested format (compressed zip file) and that do not specify a desired training track in both the cover letter AND in the body of the email will not be considered.
For more information or questions, please contact:
Latasia Black, LPC
Keyuana Muhammad, Psy.D.
Assistant Executive Director of Programs
Email: [email protected]